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An Open Letter to My High School Best Friends

Indiana, Colorado, Kentucky, Illinois. After graduating in 2014 these are the places we decided to start our new journeys, hundreds of miles and complete time zones apart. After sharing the same small school, countless classes, sports teams and many adventure filled nights, we would have to learn what it meant to spends months apart.

The new adventures we were embarking on were what many say causes high school friends to drift apart and loose contact. They say your interests, convictions and goals change and friendships often begin to fade. But as we prepare to head into our junior year of college, I couldn’t be happier to say we’ve beat the preconceptions that high school friendships don’t last.

Although I can’t stand here and say that we are all the same that we were the day we graduated from high school, I can say with certainty that our personal changes have bonded us closer together rather than torn up apart. Sure we have evolved as people, but, in all honesty, I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to be the same person I was in high school, and I’m so proud of each of you for the strides you’ve made in bettering yourselves and pursuing your dreams over the past two years.

Regardless of how our interests and goals have changed and how far we have traveled apart, we have journeyed through these years side by side. We’ve seen each other through failed classes, failed relationships, engagements, family drama and quarter life crises. These transitions haven’t been easy but we’ve been there to support each other through it all.

You all have been there to send the random texts to say “Hi” and “I love you,” to make the efforts to stay up to date on each others lives, to answer the hysterical phone calls at 2a.m. when boys were stupid, intoxication levels were high and life seemed to be turned upside down. Even though we don’t get to see each other every day, these are the things that keep us close. These are the things that strengthen our friendship and make me so excited for summer.

Sure we may be in different places now, but I am so glad that we have been beside each other these past few years to experience each others highs and lows and changes together. Our past is what introduced us, but our future will be what continues to bond us.

Stay positive,

Hallie V.

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