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That One Time Things Changed

As 2018 has rapidly come to a close, I've been reflecting on what these past 365 days have meant to me and what has been accomplished within them. After careful consideration, I've realized that 2018 has been one of the most transformative years of my life. Since this past January:

1.) I graduated college with a Bachelors degree in public relations.

2.) I landed my dream job as an Educational Leadership Consultant for my sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi.

3.) I started dating (and fell in love with) my best friend (and now boyfriend), Matthew Petty.

4.) I pursued my dream of traveling the United States.

I've realized that each of these things have one commonality. Each of these events have incited incredible change in my life. They've required me to completely recalibrate what I'm doing, where I'm at, and who I'm with. In short, this year has completely obliterated my comfort zone and anything remotely associated with it.

I have been forced to move from the city that I have called home for the past four years. I've had to say a few too many goodbyes as friends move away and start their own new adventures. And I have had to quickly adjust to a new job, which has forced me to completely readjust how I tackle my day to day life.

As challenging as these changes have been at times, they have also taught me more than I ever thought possible. I've learned the importance of perseverance and dedication. I've learned to not only appreciate, but embrace, time to myself. I've learned the importance of self care and self advocacy. And I've begun to learn the art of compromise and how to appreciate the way my own actions can effect those around me.

In summary, 2018 has shown me that change is inevitable, change is necessary, and change is good. So as I venture into 2019, I hold out my arms welcoming change and all the growth and beauty that comes with it. Thanks, 2018, for being nothing like the year previous, and heres to hoping the year after is just as different.

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