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That One Time I Wore Heels to the Airport

During my short time as an ELC so far, I have learned what feels like a lifetime worth of lessons. One of my favorites has a specific and ironic connection to my most recent travel experience. A few days ago I was preparing to board my plane and travel across the country to Texas A&M. As I was rifling through my suitcase to find my outfit for the day, I reached for a blouse, jeans and my patent leather heels.

During my training in Brentwood, TN. nearly three months ago, it was expressed to myself and the other ELCs that there would be an expectation of professional dress at all points during our chapter visits. Initially, I felt a tugging at my heart for all of my leggings and norts that would never see the light of day. However, it has been much to my own amusement and delight, that this expectation has become one of the best life adjustments I could have ever made.

I have since become accustom to taking the time and consideration to get myself completely put together each day. Regardless of if I have 10 meetings or if I’m simply traveling to the airport. I have made it common practice to do a full face of makeup, put heat to my hair and consider my outfit and accessories. This adjustment has served not only others perception of me, but my perception of myself. I feel more productive and more confident in myself, knowing that I am presenting my best self.

So when I was looking through my suitcase to find a travel outfit a few days ago, the choice to wear heels wasn’t pure insanity. Instead, it was a conscious choice to present myself as well as I am capable. Although I can admit that my footwear choice was not the most comfortable, I can also honestly say that my choice made me feel more confident and capable.

So my challenge to many others would be to take the same consideration and see how your own self care can fill you up and serve you so well.

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