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Make Your Online Portfolio in Seven Easy Steps

Over the past few months I have been doing my due diligence as college student and finally decided to start making my own online portfolio. I naively went into the experience thinking it would only take a few hours to get it exactly how I wanted. Fast forward nearly three months and the site still isn’t exactly what I had envisioned. Crafting an online portfolio takes a lot of time, effort and patience. I still have a lot to learn about the whole process, but I thought I’d impart the knowledge I have accumulated to others who may be venturing out on similar pursuits in the near future.

Step #1 – Identify your audience

Online portfolios are a medium with which to showcase your work in hopes to gain future employment or recognition. For this reason, it is important to tailor all of your content to attract potential employers and clients. Offer information that would be relevant to them and don’t be afraid to brag.

Step # 2- Decide on your aesthetic

This is the most creative part of the entire process. During these preliminary stages, you get a chance to decide what your site looks like, and therefore, how you come across to your viewers. Your website’s design is not merely a choice between color schemes. It is the formation of how your web guest will view your site and how they will view you as a person. For example, a minimalistic web page design often denotes professionalism, bold colors can showcase creativity and east website navigation can express organization and attention to detail. As you can see, small aesthetic decision say a lot, so they must be made with extreme mindfulness.

Step #3 – Look for inspiration

As you decide on your website's aesthetic and flow, remember that it's okay and completely normal to run into some creative road blocks. A great way to refocus and re-inspire yourself is to look through the designs of other personal portfolios. A great site to spur your creative energy is Additionally my own portfolio can be found at

Step # 4 – Find your servicer

One of the most important decisions to make about your website is deciding where you want to host your website. Wix, WordPress and SquareSpace are some of the most popular and user-friendly options. Do your research on each servicer to get an idea of what they offer, how to work their sites and which would be the best fit for you and your website's needs.

Step #5 – Include the important information

As you are setting up your site, be sure to include the four most imperative attribute to a portfolio: an about me section, a contact area, your resume and, of course, your portfolio work. In my personal portfolio, I designated a separate page to each of these categories. You certainly do not need to do the same, but I do think this division helps give the site organization and overall flow. Regardless of how you set up your site, though, it is imperative that these four units are incorporated in some way, shape or form.

Step #6 – Set up your meta tags and analytics

The content of your website could be the best the internet has ever seen, but if people can't get to it the quality becomes irrelevant. Be sure to refine your search engine optimization (SEO) through meta tags and analytics, which sites like Facebook and Google offer.

Step #7 – Publish and market

Once your website is completely finished and you feel as though it is ready to be viewed by others, it is time to publish the site. With one click of a button, all of your hard work is now accessible to the public! However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because it’s officially on the web that hordes of people will be clambering to view your content. More than likely, you won’t get any viewers if you just let your site sit. It is important to actively market your website through your own social media. The more you market, the more people you will have click through your site.

Online portfolios can often be a daunting task to begin. Hopefully these tips will point you in the right direction and give you a little confidence as you begin your journey through this process.

Stay positive,

Hallie V.

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